We hit pause on the Canada journey to bring you up to speed with our latest life updates. We’re currently in North Dakota for the annual beet harvest—yes, we’re back for another season.
Hey there, adventurers! 🚐
Did this episode get your wheels turning or make you think of your own off-the-beaten-path adventure? If it did, we’d really appreciate it if you could swing by Apple Podcasts to leave us a rating, drop a review, and hit that subscribe button. It’s a little way to help keep the journey going!
Have a hidden gem or an RV tip you want to share with us? We’d love to hear from you—leave us a message!
Safe travels, and we’ll see you out there on the open road!
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We managed to sneak in some time for a new family hobby: geocaching. If you’re unfamiliar with it, geocaching is an outdoor treasure-hunting game using GPS coordinates to find hidden “caches.” It’s a perfect way to explore the area, see some cool spots off the beaten path, and enjoy some adventure. We’re excited to do this across the country.
One of the highlights from this past week was Lexie’s birthday! We headed to a nearby waterpark, where we spent the afternoon splashing around, enjoying the lazy river, and trying out the slides. We showered Lexie with gifts and had a fun day doing everything she likes to do—lots of Zelda was played. HA!
We’re preparing to head south toward Arizona after wrapping up our time in North Dakota. It’s time to chase the warmer weather and continue our!
Have you subscribed to the podcast yet? We’re on most platforms—here’s the link to Apple Podcasts and Spotify—but you can also search for “Off the beaten path but not lost” on your podcasting app.
Thanks for tuning in and traveling with us!
Question: Have you been to a super awesome waterpark or arcade? Send us a message and let us know where we should go.